Wednesday 11 December 2013

Last Post!

The most interesting thing I've learned in this class was how to merchandise products within a store and how many different techniques there are. I have worked in retail before but I've never known how many ways you can actually merchandise something. The project I got the most from was the store analysis because we learned how a store functions and how it can run effectively and efficiently. My favourite part of the class was definitely the window displays because you had the chance to be really creative.

- S.Z.

Friday 6 December 2013

One last blog post!

The most interesting thing I learned from this class was basically how to operate a store efficiently and how every detail really needs to be thought out as it can make or break a store. I've worked in retail for years and now that I've seen everything that goes into running a store through our analysis and design projects, it definitely makes me appreciate the work that goes into things such as creating visual merchandising plans for stores. The project I got the most from was the display assignments, as we learned how to work efficiently with others and getting displays up when they needed to be. We were able to work with a lot of different themes and that does help with going into fashion because you can't quite expect what kind of display you'll be working on. My favourite part of the class was doing the blog posts as it's something I haven't done before, and it gave me a chance to research a lot of trends and the elements we talked about in class. The discussions in class as well was something I enjoyed, especially having so many of us with a retail background to relate to so it kept the conversation constantly interesting.

- Michelle

Thursday 5 December 2013

One. Last. Post.

Well. the most interesting thing I have learned in the 2013 Visual Merchandising class was probably how to technically analyze a store and its contents. I knew that I had previous knowledge of retail and the aspects of mechandising a store, but learning how to use the knowledge effectively to both criticize and create was the most interesting. I got the most from the store analysis assignment we worked on, I liked being able to take a store and give my opinion on it, and express to someone the good ideas I usually come up with when I'm shopping in stores to help improve them.

~ Taylor Hudema

One Last Blog Post

The most interesting thing that I learned in this class is how to do planograms and store analysis. It allowed me to visually get a better understanding and feel of what a merchandiser would do and look like. It give a more behind the scenes feel compared to working in an actual retail environment.

I feel I got the most from the store analysis and learning how to put together a board and presenting as well in front of everybody. Being able to actually think about the details from this perspective of learning instead of having it set out by somebody and not really knowing what the behind the scenes details happen.

My favorite part was working on the store analysis of an actual store in partners to divide up the work which helps while having a lot of other homework. It helped as well for doing our own store, so won`t feel so overwhelmed.

This class was one of my favorite classes this semester. I enjoyed learning about how stores organize there merchandise in different ways and even if the store has a chaotic atmosphere finding order in that. Leaning about the Rootstein mannequins was fun for me as well. Mannequins are very important in displaying clothing and seeing a place that creates them and in different styles is amazing. I learnt the most from the store analysis. Seeing how a store functions that i haven't worked at and gaining better ideas of more efficient layouts and customer service was important and will benefit me in the future. I have gained lots of experience from this program, and learnt merchandising skills that you need to know to help sell your items better. Thank you Deanna!

Final Blog Post Louise Doupe

The most interesting this i learned in this class would have to be that putting up a window display is more complicated then i thought. i know can walk through the mall and appreciate the work that has been put into the display.
The project i got the most from would have to be the group store analysis, going through someone elses store and helping them make it better was a great experience.
my favorite part of this class was the cafeteria window display.

Parting Comments

I learned so much about displays, blogging and retail. I never before considered all the little details that are incorporated into the making or the creation of a store layout or window display and the information and knowledge I've gained from this class has been so amazing and insightful. Its truly invaluable and worth while information and experience.
I learned the most from doing the store analysis. There is so much that needs to be thought about and planned out to the letter in order to make or break a store.
My favourite part of this class was the blogging. I've never blogged before and I really liked how we all  formed are own unique site and how we all contributed to it. Also, the research we did for each blog was a lot of fun and very interesting to learn.

Leanna Bultsma