Tuesday 19 November 2013

Rootstien Male and Female Mannequins


11)   It would be perfect for a young, edgy, and trendy clothing store (e.g. TopShop)
22)   Very realistic pose and relatable stance, very unique and different from other retailers, show the garments in a different angle.
33)   Dressing the mannequin would be difficult and it doesn’t give a full 360 degree view of the outfit
44)   You can change out their hair style and paint on make-up, rootstien also offers mannequin make over services


1)   Lingerie, swimsuit, casual, dress wear, and high end
2)   Realistic pose, easy to add heels, pose would make the garment flow nicely, very versatile in which stores you can use it in, can create many stories with the pose.
3)   Hands are in awkward placement, head isn’t facing forward, only heels can be worn, and certain height heel can only be worn.
4)   You can shorten the hair, you could switch out the arms, and adjust her make up.

K.S & A.S 

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