Tuesday 19 November 2013

Manniquin Alternatives by Mikayla and Leanna

picture 1  creates space, any style of garment can go on it as it is not gender specific, however there is no base support so it is forced to lean againt a wall or solid object and it is a permant t shape providing no fexability and no personality.

picture 2 is stable and long lasting, adds a different element and unique style, interchangeable with height and size, however the is no volume or shape, might ruin garments when dressing it, there is also no hips or curves to hold on bottom garments.

picture 3 Modern Store Fixture Inc.  Prices range from $175 to $185. It gives a more modern look with a more implied shape than an actual human figure, is easy to dress and maintain, interchangable and takes up less space, and can be for any garment style, mens or womens. However garments would look expressionless, you would need excessive pinning or draping to get the right look, might confuse the customer (lamp shade?) no human personality.

picture 4 MerchantCirle.com 3 T-easel manniquins for $20. Shipped to you. Environmentaly friendly, lightweight, inexpensive and versitile. Can be placed on a table or used as a hanging dress form. But it is not long lasting, no bottom part for bottom garments, not a realistic human figure, hard to dress, it might ruin garments by streching them over the manniquin.

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